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der butz
S3 licensed
it's evening on this side of the planet. people have tea and relax from a hard day's work.
That must mean you sit there on your beloved country in the middle of the day nagging about other people not going outside. Makes me giggle mate!

On topic: I create maybe 2 skins per year, still I personnally see them as a kind of art I made. So if I wouldn't want people to use my skins I would put some line in the file telling the potential user of the skin not to use it. If I'd catch him I would happily put penisses and donkey poo into some jpg and reupload it under the skins name.


der quite excited about monza tomorrow butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :...You've completely missed the boat there.....

sure, he jumped from the wrong bridge


der butz, who finds all this very funny!
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Seems to turned into a thread about talking shit none gives a shit about.

Yep. And to all those turds ripping every thread to bits, here's some advice (and I don't care if I get an infraction, ban or something for it):

You need to have 2 things first:

a 15mm centre bit

a powerful electric drill.

small scissors

now assemble drill and bit, point it at the sides of your heads and drill a 3cm deep hole, just about 5cms into the side, just behind the ear

That hole is just big enough to drain out the sorry rests of what used to be your brains.

now take the scissors, cut your shrinky pricks off and **** YOURSELF IN THE HEAD WITH IT!

der butz
S3 licensed
Hello there,

So today was the second to last day and I've found out a lot about the natives here:

Other than expected some of them seem to have souls, a.k.a. not all of them are ginger and pale :-)

Almost all of them are so polite you can't imagine! Unlike people in Germany (nowadays) they actually ASK if they could have a go, and even children say thanks! Classical sentence by parents after they take their kids off the bike: Howd'you say? kid: thank yeeeow. Makes me smile every time! I'm getting old!

A Hilton hotel is just nearby, and there is some freak show on called Kitacon. That's some kind of Manga/Anime meeting. Many fat, spoilt kids running around with pink hair or costumes of their heroes... reminded me a bit of Klutch.

I've been visiting GFresh as well, such a brilliant bloke, I wish I could have stayed longer! We'll meet again mate, Nordschleife 2013 ftw!

I've taken some pics as well, but with the ollooollloooolld camera, I'll order some curry now and upload them (the pics, not the curry!) later.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Dear diarö,

set up the simulator today, people on the stand are a nice bunch of blokes as expected. I got a bit nervous when I saw how much stuff they've put onto the shelves, I wanted to load half of the laptops at the stand into my car, drive off and sell them all on ebay.

Then Becky came for a visit, was a funny evening! I got indian food and pencils!!! And she likes Group C plastic top prototype cars! YAY! Too bad Kelvin couldn't come visit, but who knows. I'm here for a whole week.


der butz, who has only 2 beers left :-)
Har har, I've sneaked in!
der butz
S3 licensed
Dear diary (diarrhea :-)

English is funny. All the high and narrow trucks, the stupid colour on many cars, the people in fiats driving 30 mph on the M1, the 50 mile long roadworks, the constant big brother watching my every move and so on. All funny but dangerous!
I've arrived at some hotel in solihull, something with a G. I can't really remember the name of the place I'll be staying for the whole week. Partly because I've been driving for much too long, partly because I drank one of the 6 fine bavarian Bockbeers I've brought to impress my friends. Maybe because of both. GABLES it is! google is my friend.

So I'll start building up the rig tomorrow at 4, can't tell you how long it'll take. From tuesday to sunday I'll be working from 9 to 6, so we've got plenty of time to fiesta!

greetz for now

der drunk and tired butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Ha! You wish!

Thanks to our brilliant dev team (no, not scavier!) and the guys at blackbean I'm going to use the most 1970 game ever! It flickers, it looks like 4 bit colour, it feels worse than outrun!

Nevermind, in the end this is exactly what the people who rented the thing wanted!

And that's what embarrasses me most; you put a f**kload of effort into something and in the end you achieved nothing...

Anyway, Kelvin, Becky, anyone, I'll be staying in a hotel in Solihull. Whoever lives there, let's go for a few pints!


der butz who will leave home in about 11 hours
der butz
S3 licensed
Good shot :-)

oh wait...
der butz
S3 licensed
the bike is on a atand, supported by gas springs. So you CAN leave your feet on the floor or get the knee out.

I'm feeling less ready than ever atm... Our game sucks, the bike is not what I'd call brand new, and I don't have enough time to test anything properly.

At least I've booked a hotel just next to some airport :-) in Solihull. Where do you live, Kelvin?


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I will.

Here you go :-)


der who has seen these chefs live in action a long time ago
der butz
S3 licensed
Ah, nothing too big really! It's a proper bastardised Duc (906 Desmo une frame, 900SS/916 Desmodue plastic stuff around and so forth) on a frame, so you can steer by leaning, brake with hand and footbrake,...

I hope we get the proper game license, otherwise I'll have to show some stupid game coded by our own devs (baaaaaad!), but some fun is still there, since you sit on a real bike...


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
There should be a few evenings on which I can decide what to do :-)
I won't have plenty of time to see the bowels of yet another english city, but a few pints here and there let me enjoy your drinking culture once more :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
No, sold out already? Alright then, IF I can get hold of a visitor pass, you'll get one! Unfortunately I never got one at all the expos and races I've been...
I will ask the guys I'll be working for!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Jesus, much work for me then :-)
This seems to be the show I'll be working at.
So who's going to visit me?


der butz
I'll be invading England...
der butz
S3 licensed
Hej there!

Finally I'll be back on your island again!

I don't have any specific data yet, but from around 10th of april I will be in Birmingham displaying some Motorbike simulator for a week.
I hope I don't break anything, since driving on the WRONG side with a LHD car is not the easiest task :-)

Does anyone of you know what kind of exhibition takes place around that time?

I will keep you updated


der invaderbutz
der butz
S3 licensed
heal uf1,
hurt fzr
der butz
S3 licensed
heal UF1
hurt FZR
der butz
S3 licensed
For many people, FREE ENERGY is a "buzz word" that has no clear meaning. As such, it relates to a host of inventions that do something that is not understood, and is therefore a mystery. For others, it means "perpetual motion" and is therefore dismissed, without due consideration. This website is dedicated to clarifying exactly what free energy is, how it works and how it can be applied in your everyday life....for light, heat and power. In the simplest sense, FREE ENERGY is any energy that is provided by the Natural World. This may include energy sources that you are familiar with, such as solar panels or wind generators, but also could include amazing technologies like a car powered by water-fuel, a battery charger powered by Gravity, or a home heating system powered by the Earth. The best FREE ENERGY systems deliver energy at no on-going cost to the user, without detrimental effects to the environment, and at extremely low costs for the maintenance and operation of the equipment.
On this website, I will NOT be presenting any perpetual motion machines, futuristic ZPE technologies, or impossible inventions that break the Laws of Physics. What I will be talking about are technologies that tap into Natural Sources of energy in the environment and convert them into useful forms of energy for heat, light, and motive power.
A good example of this is a way to heat your home from the Earth. In moderate climates, the Earth below the frost line is a reservoir of constant temperature. This temperature is about 55º F (13º C). In the winter, this reservoir of heat can be accessed and concentrated by a geothermal heat pump system, and used to heat your house for about 1/3rd the cost of running an electric furnace. In addition to this, if the house is insulated to a rating of R-60, the cost of heating the house can be further reduced by another 60%. With just these two simple technologies, both available today, the cost of heating your home in the winter can be reduced by 87%. That is just 13% of the cost of heating the same house with an electric furnace where the house is insulated to a rating of R-19. In the summer, the air-conditioning costs are similarly low, using the same heat pump in reverse.
87% energy benefit, year after year, at no more cost to you. That is the FREE ENERGY you can have right now! Your lifestyle is the same, but your energy costs are much lower. By conserving heat with the better insulation, and by using Natural Energy first, including the heat already present in the Earth, it is possible to dramatically lower your energy demands for home heating and your "carbon footprint". This is just one example.
So, FREE ENERGY is also any energy we can use at NO COST. If we learn to "Conserve, and use Natural Energy First", then, the small amount of energy that is still required for our needs is more easily produced by renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro, and bio-fuels. Even if we are still using carbon based fuels to supply the remainder, our energy costs have dropped considerably and our carbon footprint is greatly reduced.
In our Whole Systems section, I discuss our philosophy of energy use and the economics of using FREE ENERGY wherever possible. Quite often, using Natural Energy systems costs a little more at the beginning, but much less over time. We have to start thinking of total costs for using a system, including the energy costs for the life of the product. When the total economics of a system are understood, FREE ENERGY systems can be very cost effective.
In our Technologies section, I discuss a wide array of technologies from the PAST that have still not been integrated into the Market Economy or made available for everyday use. I also talk about technologies in the PRESENT that are available right now that can dramatically lower our energy costs. And finally, I talk about technologies that may become available in the FUTURE that could radically change our world for the better.
In our Social Responsibility section, I discuss the problems associated with balancing individual freedom with social responsibility. Society cannot provide the individual with rights and freedoms if the individual is unwilling to provide the society with responsible behavior in return. The arrival of unlimited amounts of low-cost, clean energy could be extremely destabilizing to an uncivil society. These developments provide unparalleled opportunities for both economic disruption or rapid innovation.
In our Economics section, I discuss the issues involved in transitioning from an economy based on scarcity and competition to an economy based on abundance and cooperation.
In our Housing section, I discuss the "free energy" home that uses little to no external sources of energy and can be built so cheaply that a mortgage is not necessary.
In our Transportation section, I discuss a number of simple technologies, that are already in the public domain, that all but prove that high mileage cars and pure electric vehicles are viable and cost effective right now. The public needs to demand that vehicles like these be made available immediately.
In our Products section, we offer educational materials on a number of the more advanced technologies that can still be implemented at some point in the future. These include advanced treatises on Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy systems, Edwin Gray's Cold Electricity methods, and Bob Teal's Magnipulsion Engine. If any of these energy systems were fully developed, they could make a huge contribution to the energy needs of the world and reduce CO2 production by more than 50%.
This world needs a more just distribution of energy to the developing countries, and the ability to provide cleaner energy at a lower cost. In addition to this, we all must learn to be better stewards of the environment. That means pollute less and recycle more. Al Gore says that lowering our carbon fuel use is a moral imperative. I totally agree with this statement.
The more you know about the different energy systems available, the more opportunities you can create in your life to use them. We invite you to explore these exciting opportunities with us. Welcome to the World of FREE ENERGY.
Peter Lindemann, DSc
This website is owned by Clear Tech, Inc. We are a small, privately held company on the cutting edge of FREE ENERGY research. Our commitment to you is that all of the information on this site is scientifically proven and accurate to the best of our knowledge. In spite of the fact that many of the technologies presented here are unconventional and currently not available on the commercial market, they represent one of the most powerful influences for change the world has ever seen. We believe a number of these FREE ENERGY technologies are approaching viability and a future you may never have imagined is about to appear on the world scene! The problem is that when huge changes in technology happen rapidly, they can be very disruptive to society. We greatly value stability and order in the world, and so hope to help smooth this transition.

just having fun c&ping whole articles then put a meaningless sentence on the bottom :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Heal UF1
Hurt FZR
der butz
S3 licensed
Heal UF1
Hurt FZR
der butz
S3 licensed
hurt fzr
heal uf1
der butz
S3 licensed
Heal UF1
Hurt FZR
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from CheerioDM :It is israeli you idiot.

A ha! YOU sir are the perfect example of American global controllership! YOU gave an idiot a license for free, he then went mad with it and you should be the one to blame! Instead you make the whole world angry at the guy (usracer afair) and then you'll visit the guy and smash his nose in!


please don't take anything I've written seriously - ever!


der penis
der butz
S3 licensed
Yummy! deep fried iranian penis eaten instantly by some scotsmen!

EDIT: deep fried iranian ATOMIC penis!
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Exactly
And for those who remember the kart meeting, I am a peacefull, tho dead-drunk bastard ^_^

You forgot "...who wrote "the norwegian penis" on butzes helmet"!

By the way: don't you think male reproductive organs are a much funnier topic to discuss?

Once some drunk bastard posed around in the disco I worked in, and the Ring he had through his wiener must have been as heavy as a waterbottle - made his dick look even smaller! But the girls laughed their arses off!


der butz